GGOB + 21 Hats-1


About Our Podcasts

Podcasts for entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders. These messages are brought to you directly from CEOs and business thinkers to help build healthier companies, better businesses, and better lives for both you and your employees.

Most Viewed Episodes in 2022

Developing Employees is As Important As Strategy (2)


Difference Between Disinflation and Deflation (1)


Find Business Solutions By Tapping Employees Creative Energy (2)


A Baby Boomer and Millennial Talk Competition (2)


Helping Your Team Understand Your Business

Chuck Monico

Chuck Monico, Branch Manager at Ryan Lawn & Tree, talks to Rich and Steve about the importance of learning, keeping it simple, and how teaching financial literacy to your team can help them ask better questions and be better team members.

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The Power of Purpose

Clark Gey

Clark Gey, President of Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers, discusses how fairness and equality are not the same thing, why you should not read entitlements in your company, and the power of purpose.

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Culture Committees

Krisi Schell

Krisi Schell, Danielle Rapp, and Rob Shear, discuss with Steve and Rich about culture committees, the benefit of healthy competition, and how SRC Lexington has become an award winning SRC company.

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EP 24 - January 26, 2021

Snakes, Bullies & Weasels and How they are Holding Back your Success!

Merrill Crawford

Merrill Crawford, President/CEO of Charlie's Plumbing, Inc., talks about her journey to where she is now. Crawford also shares how to spot the snakes, bullies and weasels so they do not stop you from being successful. 

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EP 23 - January 22, 2021

Adapting The Game In A Service Company

Aimee Woodall

Aimee Woodall, the CEO of The Black Sheep Agency, talks with us about how impactful adapting the game in a service company can be.

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Episode 2 - March 30, 2020

Keeping Employees Engaged During a Crisis

Peter Reeburgh

Peter Reeburgh, Resort owner of Summit Cove Lodging in Keystone, Colorado shares his story on how his team used their knowledge of the business and the foundation of open-book principles to develop creative ideas around surviving the global pandemic.

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About The Podcast

GGOB + 21 Hats-1

The Great Game of Business has partnered with 21 Hats to bring the 21 Hats Podcast to all entrepreneurs in The Great Game of Business community! Hosted by Loren Feldman, this podcast offers real-world business insight. Tune in to stay up to date on today's business issues, hear real stories about organizational challenges leaders are facing, and take away strategies CEOs are using in the business world today. When you subscribe, you'll receive a weekly email notification of this podcast. Plus, receive a message any time a new podcast episode is published on The Great Game of Business "Change the Game Podcast."


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