The Critical Number is at the Heart of The Great Game of Business
Right now, there is at least one financial or operational number in your company, something right at the heart of your business, that if improved in the short term would have a dramatic effect on your business. Does every single person in your organization understand how important that number is?
The Critical Number defines winning. It rallies people around a common goal and provides a focus on what’s most important and critical to the company’s success. When the Critical Number is correctly identified, targeted, and tied to a reward, the rules of The Game have been set. The Critical Number becomes the focus of The Game.
Our classic definition of the Critical Number is “an operational or financial number that represents a weakness or vulnerability that if not addressed and corrected will negatively impact the overall performance and long-term security of the business.”
Think of it as your “one thing”—the one thing that at any given time is going to have the greatest impact on your business. The one thing you must improve to succeed and that clearly defines winning!