Transparency goes a long way for not just your employees but your business as well. Being transparent with your employees is often underestimated, yet it can be a powerful tool for creating a productive and positive work environment.
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It’s no secret. Empowered employees feel invested, engaged, and motivated to push forward, helping the company reach its goals. But the real question remains: what techniques can you realistically use to develop an empowered workforce? There are quite a few top considerations, from delegating responsibilities to employees, offering more opportunities for your staff to learn and grow professionally, to giving your people a voice in the direction of company or department-based goals.
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Finding positive employee retention strategies that work for your company is a major undertaking this year. It’s critical that business leaders establish the right strategies in place to deter turnover, encourage productivity, and retain top-quality talent. One of the best ways to achieve this is with open-book methodologies. This post will cover six powerful ways to create your retention strategy and how the Great Game™ methodology helps to achieve successful outcomes in this regard. 1. Purpose 2. Leadership 3. Communication 4. Culture 5. Compensation 6. Evaluation
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Peter Drucker is credited with saying, "culture eats strategy for breakfast". Even in today’s tech driven economy, a company’s human capital is still the most powerful potential competitive advantage. Great work culture is incredibly hard to build and even harder to maintain. Usually, workplace culture is measured in terms of employee engagement. The cultures I admire most built their employee engagement around these strategies below:
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Markets shift, economies surge and ebb, and leadership changes. But basic human needs haven't changed. These are what motivate and drive employees to perform at their highest level, impacting everything from self-reported job satisfaction to workforce productivity. What are these motivators? Why do they matter? What effect does motivation have on the short and long-term success of an organization? The following are some thought-provoking ideas to increase employee engagement.
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Historically, businesses using traditional management styles have been reluctant to give all of their employees the knowledge they need in order to make good business decisions day in and day out as they do their jobs. Open-book management takes a much different approach. It’s all about capturing and sharing both financial and organizational knowledge with every employee and empowering them to use that knowledge to contribute to the long-term success of the organization, as well as their own personal success. The benefits of knowledge sharing are numerous:
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Top Six Great Game No-Nos: What NOT to do if you (really) want to play The Game During the time that we’ve been helping others implement The Great Game of Business, we’ve seen the ups and downs and are often surprised by the number of people who are “fair-weather Great Gamers”, meaning they have passion and intent to play The Great Game of Business®, but are missing the mark in one or more areas. Here are the top six (because five just wasn’t enough) Great Game No-nos:
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